Land, directed by Robin Wright, starring Robin Wright and Demián Bishir The film Land, actor Robin Wright’s directorial debut, offers a look at one woman’s response to shattering grief upon the loss of her husband and child. Edee (played by Wright) leaves the home and life she had created with her family for a solitary […]
Issue 94: Living the Life of the Mind
Charlotte Knowles on dealing with the death of her father.
Extinct Languages
Ethan Nowak explains what is lost when languages disappear.
Reloading the Canon
Ian James Kidd unpacks a complex pair of prejudices.
Nietzsche and the Machines
Sebastian Sunday Grève calls on us to decide what kind of life with machines we want.
Stories and Thinking Anew about Race
Eileen John explores literature for philosophical provocation.
Land, directed by Robin Wright: a review
A review by Teresa Blankmeyer Burke.
Issue 93: introduction from the editor
Philosophy is a lot of things, but it’s also mostly talking. Think of the paradigm case: Socrates and the corrupted youth, all in togas, dust hanging in the air, the sun in their eyes. They’re not meditating. There are no test tubes. They might be drinking tea, gesturing, shaking their heads, furrowing their brows, but […]
Philosophy for Girls: a review
A review by Audrey Yap.
Ask a Philosopher: a review
Review by Frank Appolonia and Travis Timmerman.
Issue 93: Living the Life of the Mind
Charlotte Knowles on “moving on” from #MeToo
Diversify Thought: Teach Intersectionality
Zahra Thani argues that every philosophy class should combat exclusionary practices.