Massimo Pigliucci on the Stoic’s answers.
The Good Old Liberal Consensus
Daniel A. Kaufman argues that we are suffering a catastrophic deficit of political wisdom.
“Live Each Day as if it Were Your Last”
Valerie Tiberius wonders whether that bit of wisdom is such a good idea.
The Moral Argument for God’s Existence; or, How I Learned To Stop Worrying and Love Godless Morality
Erik J. Wielenberg is here to calm your fears.
Neil A. Manson considers the most popular argument for the existence of God.
Pascal’s Wager
Paul Bartha weighs up a prudential argument for belief in God.
Cosmological Arguments
Elizabeth Burns considers old and contemporary thinking about cause, explanation, and God.
Ontological Arguments
Graham Oppy considers Anselm, Descartes, and contemporary modal moves.
The Common Consent Argument
Tiddy Smith asks, does it matter that atheists are outnumbered?
Issue 86 Forum: introduction
Does God exist?
Issue 85 Forum: introduction
Doing philosophy
Doing Thought Experiments
Timothy Williamson on how philosophers use their imagination.