Joan Forry on fire hydrants and the aesthetics of the everyday.
Neuroethics Fifteen Years On
Adina L. Roskies explains how new discoveries are changing the philosophical landscape.
Cakes as Speech and Cakes as Art in Colorado
E.M. Dadlez offers food for thought
What is Dirt?
Olli Lagerspetz argues that the answer can shed light on deep metaphysical concepts.
Solace for Unwitting and Unwilling Wrongdoers
Lisa Tessman reflects on those who have morally failed in a unique way.
Why Nudging is No More Paternalistic than Arguing
Neil Levy on giving reasons.
What is Fake News?
Axel Gelfert tries to make sense of our predicament.
This is Time
Corey Latta sets time in Doctor Strange by Henri Bergson’s clock.
A Dog and his Art
It’s a dog’s life: fire hydrants and the aesthetics of the everyday.
Philosophy as a Way of Life
John Sellars argues that thinking of philosophy this way is not just for the ancient Greeks.
Sustaining Our Planet and Ourselves
John L. Culliney and David Jones seek a new focus on ancient models of universal cooperation.
The Bright Side of Memory Errors
Katherine Puddifoot and Lisa Bortolotti argue that what makes us go wrong can also enable us to gain knowledge.