Neil Levy on giving reasons.
What is Fake News?
Axel Gelfert tries to make sense of our predicament.
This is Time
Corey Latta sets time in Doctor Strange by Henri Bergson’s clock.
A Dog and his Art
It’s a dog’s life: fire hydrants and the aesthetics of the everyday.
Issue 83 Forum: introduction
Philosophy as a Way of Life
John Sellars argues that thinking of philosophy this way is not just for the ancient Greeks.
Tourism Experiences and Animal Consumption: Contested Values, Morality and Ethics: a review
Tourism Experiences and Animal Consumption: Contested Values, Morality and Ethics, edited by Carol Kline. Reviewed by Jean Kazez.
The Flavours of Fairness
Laura Niemi explains how to understand the moral cognition behind our judgements.
Issue 83: introduction from the editor
As The Philosophers’ Magazine goes to press, we’re sad to learn of the death of Mary Midgley. She celebrated her 99th birthday in September and seemed to be on something of a roll. The Midgley Archive will be opened this year. She was part of a remarkable generation of women who were friends at Oxford […]
Autumn 2018 News
Charlotte Knowles on philosophers taking a political stand.
Do Our Brains Make Us Utilitarians?
Ophelia Deroy and Marwa El Zein on what neuroscience can tell us how our brains compare pleasures.
Sustaining Our Planet and Ourselves
John L. Culliney and David Jones seek a new focus on ancient models of universal cooperation.