A review by Alexis Elder.
Rene Descartes
Owen Flanagan and Gregg D. Caruso on a new search for meaning.
Philosophers’ Paris
Right up there with the artists of Montmartre, the Eiffel Tower and the Notre Dame, one of the most enduring images of Paris is of the café-dwelling black-clad existentialist, smoking Gauloises and offering up the occasional bon mot.. But there’s more to Paris and philosophy than existentialism and a couple of overpriced cafés. So if you’re planning a trip to Paris and want to find out more, why not set aside a few hours and follow our walk through the Philosophers’ Rive Gauche.
Ryle’s Concept of Mind
One of the most influential books of the twentieth-century in the philosophy of mind is Gilbert Ryle’s “The Concept of Mind” (1949, London: Hutcheson (all references are to this edition). Guy Douglas and Stewart Saunders introduce the text here.