Charlotte Knowles on dealing with the death of her father.
Martin Heidegger
The Three Escapes of Hannah Arendt: A Tyranny of Truth: a review
Margaret Betz finds wonder in The Three Escapes of Hanna Arendt: A Tyranny of Truth, by Ken Krimstein.
The Self is a Relation that Relates Itself to Itself
Gordon Marino unpacks Kierkegaard on what it means to die.
Martin Heidegger: a snapshot
Iain Thomson examines the difficult and controversial Martin Heidegger.
Heidegger’s Lost Highway
What’s the connection between Martin Heideggger, Plato, Ted Nugent and Hank Williams? A metaphysical concern with being, suggests Simon Walter in the second of his unlikely series – “Unlikely Philosophy – Philosophical Ideas in Disguise.”