Scott F Parker meditates on the latest from Sam Harris
issue 67
The Organism – Reality or Fiction?
Charles T Wolfe scouts the answers.
Galatea of the Microbes
Thomas Pradeu argues that facts about symbiotic microbes have radical implications for the nature of our identity.
What the Critics Said
A M Ferner has just picked up a fault in the EA-35 unit.
The Latent Nature of Global Information Warfare
Luciano Floridi on new threats, neither real nor virtual.
Do Animals Have Free Will?
The answer sheds new light on an old problem, argues Helen Steward.
The Skeptic: Honest Stupidity
Wendy M Grossman on fact, fiction, and the silliness of television.
It’s Not Just the Economy, Dunderheid
Alan Weir makes a case for Scottish independence.
Why Properties Matter
Douglas Edwards explains what makes you the object you are.
The Evolution of Cooperation
Ellen Clarke finds inspiration in someone else’s flat.
Identities of the Gene
Paul E Griffiths argues that biologists have two ways of thinking about genes.
The Point of View of the Universe
Jussi Suikkanen appreciates an appreciation of Henry Sidgwick.