An extract from Stephen Palmquist’s Dreams of Wholeness.
issue 3
Utilitarianism, Hedonism and Desert: a review
Sam Fremantle reviews Utilitarianism, Hedonism and Desert by Fred Feldman.
Open Debate: The Moral Imperative to Rebel Against God – Replies and Responses
In the last issue of The Philosophers’ Magazine we published an article by Peter Fosl called “The Moral Imperative to Rebel Against God”, and invited you to submit your responses. We selected five of the best, for which Dr Fosl has written his replies.
The Paradox of Prediction
Francis Moorcroft puzzles over the Paradox of Prediction.
Who’s Afraid of Human Cloning?: a review
Robin Harwood finds a lot to agree with in a rare treatise in favour of human cloning written by Gregory Pence.
In Praise of Zeus
Robin Harwood finds a compelling argument for belief in an Ancient God.
Is Animal Liberation an Environmental Ethic? An Interview with Dale Jamieson
In 1998 the University of London’s Senate House was the venue for a day of talk and debate on one of the hottest issues of our time – the environment. Here we present highlights from the conference, including this interview with Dale Jamieson on why animal ethics belongs with environmental ethics.
Philosophy Enters the Video Age
Rudy Fara is a maker of philosophy videos. Before I say any more, let’s just get a few ideas out of our heads. Forget earnest Open University dons talking straight to camera about how Plato is “our contemporary”. Forget Hollywood pitchers imploring, “it’s gonna be like Woody Allen meets Die Hard”. And forget B-list comedians undertaking a round of interviews with top “egg-heads” in a state of faux-bemusement. What Fara is doing is far more serious and valuable than any of these ideas “video-philosophy” calls to mind, as Julian Baggini discovered.
Speculations on the Cosmological Argument
The second of Roy Ahmed-Jackson’s series examining classic problems in the philosophy of religion.
Everyone Is Talking About The Environment. But What Is It?
Avner de Shalit on uses of the term “environment”. From the University of London’s Senate House day of talk and debate on the environment.
Martin Heidegger: a snapshot
Iain Thomson examines the difficult and controversial Martin Heidegger.
Philosophers’ Paris
Right up there with the artists of Montmartre, the Eiffel Tower and the Notre Dame, one of the most enduring images of Paris is of the café-dwelling black-clad existentialist, smoking Gauloises and offering up the occasional bon mot.. But there’s more to Paris and philosophy than existentialism and a couple of overpriced cafés. So if you’re planning a trip to Paris and want to find out more, why not set aside a few hours and follow our walk through the Philosophers’ Rive Gauche.