Charlotte Knowles on dealing with the death of her father.
Living the Life of the Mind
Charlotte Knowles offers an analysis of the hangover.
The Three Escapes of Hannah Arendt: A Tyranny of Truth: a review
Margaret Betz finds wonder in The Three Escapes of Hanna Arendt: A Tyranny of Truth, by Ken Krimstein.
What is Existentialism?
Stephen Priest scouts two hundred years of reflection on questions concerning human existence.
The Self is a Relation that Relates Itself to Itself
Gordon Marino unpacks Kierkegaard on what it means to die.
Summer 2018 News
Charlotte Knowles plumbs the shallows of Kanye West’s philosophy.
Thinking Anew
Luce Irigaray and Michael Marder on the possibility of a human re-birth.
Martin Heidegger: a snapshot
Iain Thomson examines the difficult and controversial Martin Heidegger.