As The Philosophers’ Magazine goes to press, we’re sad to learn of the death of Mary Midgley. She celebrated her 99th birthday in September and seemed to be on something of a roll. The Midgley Archive will be opened this year. She was part of a remarkable generation of women who were friends at Oxford […]
Autumn 2018 News
Charlotte Knowles on philosophers taking a political stand.
Do Our Brains Make Us Utilitarians?
Ophelia Deroy and Marwa El Zein on what neuroscience can tell us how our brains compare pleasures.
Sustaining Our Planet and Ourselves
John L. Culliney and David Jones seek a new focus on ancient models of universal cooperation.
Transcendence and Neuroscience
Sarah Lane Ritchie asks, does a scientific explanation for the felt experience of spiritual realities explain them away?
The Skeptic: Tennis Anyone?
Wendy M. Grossman on what all the racket is about.
Why Honor Matters: a review
Dan Demetriou reviews Why Honor Matters, by Tamler Sommers.
The Bright Side of Memory Errors
Katherine Puddifoot and Lisa Bortolotti argue that what makes us go wrong can also enable us to gain knowledge.
Michel de Montaigne: a snapshot
The life and work of Michel de Montaigne, inventor of the essay in its modern form.
Philosophy in Spaaaace!
Kelly C. Smith asks, What is Astrobiology and Why Should We Care?
Issue 82: introduction from the editor
Sometimes there’s something perversely good about being inconvenienced. That’s an old thought to have, or anyway a thought sometimes had by old people, complaining about some irritating feature of the modern world which is delighted in by the young. But maybe it’s made fresh by new facts about our digital lives. I recently bumped into […]
What is a Question
Lani Watson on a project that’s revealed some unexpected answers.