If someone new to philosophy asked you for a recommended reading, what would you suggest? I’ve asked a fair number of philosophers this over the years and found that there’s more agreement in answers to this question than at least many philosophical questions. Ask about the nature of mind and the replies are all over […]
Philosophy, In a Sense: We Philosophers
Constantine Sandis on us, them, Nietzsche and Wittgenstein.
Issue 84 Reviews: introduction
Death. In one way or another, much of philosophy is about it, and so are several of the books and movies reviewed in this issue of The Philosophers’ Magazine. Should children be able to make medical decisions that will likely end their lives? Margaret Betz reviews The Children Act, a movie that explores the question. […]
Issue 84 Forum: introduction
The Partially Examined Life
Q&A with philosophy podcast host Mark Linsenmayer.
Simone de Beauvoir’s Ethics
Shannon M. Mussett on the relevance of her thinking today.
What is Existentialism?
Stephen Priest scouts two hundred years of reflection on questions concerning human existence.
A Dog and his Art
Joan Forry on fire hydrants and the aesthetics of the everyday.
Neuroethics Fifteen Years On
Adina L. Roskies explains how new discoveries are changing the philosophical landscape.
The Self is a Relation that Relates Itself to Itself
Gordon Marino unpacks Kierkegaard on what it means to die.
P. F. Strawson
A snapshot of the philosophy of PF Strawson.
Doing Philosophy: From Common Curiosity to Logical Reasoning: a review
Review by Justin Fisher