Rae Langton and Richard Holton on the use of non-human animals.
Philosophy, in a Sense: Talkative Animals
Constantine Sandis asks, who’s afraid of Wolf-Alice.
What Hermits Can Tell Us About Dialogues
Elena Falco on why we’re better off putting our heads together.
The Construction of Ignorance
Daniel R. DeNicola on how we keep ourselves in the dark.
In Favour of Atheist Ethics
Jason N. Blum argues that transcendent moralities diminish the value of human beings.
In Defence of Drinking Alone
Is drinking alone morally problematic?
Is Philosophy Useless?
Robert Lockie fires a few rounds at the Philistines.
The Meaning of Marriage
John Corvino argues that the debate is settled, and settled rightly.
Same-Sex Marriage and Liberty
Douglas Walton and Fabrizio Macagno argue that what marriage means depends on who has the power to define it.
The Five Parameters
Phil Hutchinson and Rupert Read consider the nuclear option.
Charlie Hebdo
Alan Haworth on the limits to free speech.
Conscience Versus Equality
Annabelle Lever asks, what should we do when values conflict?