Ross Jensen reflects on philosophy as a way of life.
Philosophical Method
Russell Marcus on theories, intuitions, and skepticism.
Reading as a Philosopher
David W. Concepción’s top ten pointers.
Doing Philosophy as Teaching Philosophy
Alexandra Bradner and Andrew P. Mills argue that teaching is a lot more than must telling.
Getting Emotional
Gary Cox on existentialism, psychology and the emotions.
The Relevance of Existentialism
Rebecca Bamford takes on the sceptic.
Carlos Alberto Sánchez scouts the habitat of Emilio Uranga’s thinking.
Issue 84 Forum: introduction
Simone de Beauvoir’s Ethics
Shannon M. Mussett on the relevance of her thinking today.
What is Existentialism?
Stephen Priest scouts two hundred years of reflection on questions concerning human existence.
The Self is a Relation that Relates Itself to Itself
Gordon Marino unpacks Kierkegaard on what it means to die.
Owen Flanagan and Gregg D. Caruso on a new search for meaning.