Todd M. Furman goes all in on the ethics of poker.
How Little We Know about Character
Christian B. Miller on where the future of philosophical action lies.
Can Pottery Have an Aesthetic?
Aderemi Artis argues that cups, bowls and mugs might stand above pretty, but useless art.
Are Conspiracy Theories a Force for the Good?
Daniel Cohnitz on what happens when open societies take an autocratic turn.
Sprezzatura, Good Taste, and Socrates’ Dirty Toga
Andrea Baldini considers the philosophical significance of elegance.
The Last Mystery Standing
Friedel Weinert on what neuroscience might tell us about the mind body problem.
Pillow Talk
Rebecca Fox introduces a chapter from her new collection of philosophical graphic novellas, Murmurs of Doubt.
C. G. Prado takes a careful look at the predicament we’re in.
We Need to Know More About Ignorance
Rik Peels argues that it’s time to take Socrates’ fascination with ignorance seriously.
Fast Politics – Slow Philosophy
Michelle Boulous Walker argues that unhurried thinking might be the antidote we need.
Does Eternity Have A Future?
Yitzhak Melamed on a neglected notion.
Why Don’t Philosophers Talk About Slavery?
Chris Meyns