There’s more to risk than weighing up probabilities, argues Duncan Pritchard.
Being Born
Alison Stone wonders how a human life is shaped by having a beginning.
The Future Life of the Universal Declaration
Alan Haworth on the thinking behind rights, charters, and bills.
Good-Bad Art
John Dyck asks, does it make sense to say something is good just because it’s bad?
Intellectual Vices
Qassim Cassam takes in vice epistemology and the conduct of our politicians.
Is It Okay to Let my Child be Stung by a Wasp?
Is it okay to let my child be stung by a wasp?
Existentially Dope
Devon Johnson on Kendrick Lamar’s Damn.
Empathy and the Danger of Inventing Words
Derek Matravers sifts through a hodge-podge of ideas.
Seeing Fear Through Characters’ Eyes
Lindsey Fiorelli on philosophy, film and the importance of found footage horror.
Why Culinary Authenticity Matters
Matthew Strohl digs in to the philosophy of food.
Was Hume a Secret Buddhist?
Rachel Paine argues that there are insights to be had in thinking about the possibility.
The Flavours of Fairness
Laura Niemi explains how to understand the moral cognition behind our judgements.