Interview by Jeremy Stangroom.
Who’s the Greatest?
Julian Baggini on what people really think about great art.
Jean Paul Sartre: a snapshot
An introduction to the work of existentialist philosopher Jean Paul Sartre.
Ludwig Wittgenstein: a snapshot
Ludwig Wittgenstein: a snapshot
Degradation: the Challenge to Prisons
Jim McManus, recently released from prison, takes up some of the questions raised by Jon Vorhaus’ article in issue eight.
Flying in the Face of Reason
Antony Flew argues that religious belief cannot be defended as rational.
George Berkeley: a snapshot
A brief summary of Bishop Berkeley’s thought.
From Dignity to Degradation
John Vorhaus argues that degradation has been unjustly neglected as a subject for philosophical enquiry.
Midgley on Murdoch
Mary Midgley was one of Britain’s most widely-read philosophers. Like her old friend, Iris Murdoch, Midgley fought hard against the orthodoxies of post-war philosophy in the English-speaking world. In this interview she talked to Julian Baggini about both her own and Murdoch’s philosophical and intellectual development.
Immanuel Kant: a snapshot
Peter Herrisone-Kelly tackles the mighty Kant.
An Introduction to Logic Part 2
Francis Moorcroft concludes his look at the first two millennia of logic.
A Necessary God?
Roy Jackson tries to make sense of the ontological argument for the existence of God.