Rudy Fara is a maker of philosophy videos. Before I say any more, let’s just get a few ideas out of our heads. Forget earnest Open University dons talking straight to camera about how Plato is “our contemporary”. Forget Hollywood pitchers imploring, “it’s gonna be like Woody Allen meets Die Hard”. And forget B-list comedians undertaking a round of interviews with top “egg-heads” in a state of faux-bemusement. What Fara is doing is far more serious and valuable than any of these ideas “video-philosophy” calls to mind, as Julian Baggini discovered.
Demystifying Consciousness: an interview with Ned Block
Ned Block is one of the foremost philosophers of mind. In this interview with Neil Manson, Block explains some of the intriguing, sometimes difficult, ideas which characterise his original approach to the subject. His views represent a challenge to those familiar, and unfamiliar, with philosophical problems of consciousness.
Paul Churchland
Hans Dooremalen profiles the thought of eliminative materialist Paul Churchland.