James Tartaglia faces the music.
Richard Rorty
Open Debate: The Moral Imperative to Rebel Against God – Replies and Responses
In the last issue of The Philosophers’ Magazine we published an article by Peter Fosl called “The Moral Imperative to Rebel Against God”, and invited you to submit your responses. We selected five of the best, for which Dr Fosl has written his replies.
Philosophy Enters the Video Age
Rudy Fara is a maker of philosophy videos. Before I say any more, let’s just get a few ideas out of our heads. Forget earnest Open University dons talking straight to camera about how Plato is “our contemporary”. Forget Hollywood pitchers imploring, “it’s gonna be like Woody Allen meets Die Hard”. And forget B-list comedians undertaking a round of interviews with top “egg-heads” in a state of faux-bemusement. What Fara is doing is far more serious and valuable than any of these ideas “video-philosophy” calls to mind, as Julian Baggini discovered.