Justin Khoo explains how coded speech is used to subvert social norms.
politics of language
Whataboutism and “This is not who we are”
John Martin Fischer analyzes two tropes of political debate.
Issue 94 Forum: introduction
The politics of language.
Luvell Anderson discusses what it is and what to do about it.
Issue 94: introduction from the editor
Once upon a time philosophy of language was, in the jargon of academic philosophers, an “AOS” (area of specialisation) of mine. In those days it was a nightmare being asked what I was working on in non-philosophy settings. In fact, when I met my husband one of our first conversations was about my work on […]
The Pure and the Practical
Robin Jeshion discusses how philosophy of language has changed.
Extinct Languages
Ethan Nowak explains what is lost when languages disappear.