Justin Khoo explains how coded speech is used to subvert social norms.
philosophy of language
Issue 94 Forum: introduction
The politics of language.
Online Communication
Eliot Michaelson, Jessica Pepp, and Rachel Sterken uncover a new speech act.
Issue 94: introduction from the editor
Once upon a time philosophy of language was, in the jargon of academic philosophers, an “AOS” (area of specialisation) of mine. In those days it was a nightmare being asked what I was working on in non-philosophy settings. In fact, when I met my husband one of our first conversations was about my work on […]
The Pure and the Practical
Robin Jeshion discusses how philosophy of language has changed.
Extinct Languages
Ethan Nowak explains what is lost when languages disappear.
Creativity and Freedom
Nicholas Allott on Chomsky at 90
Philosophy, In a Sense
Constantine Sandis watches his language.
What We Talk about When We Talk about Goodness
Russell Blackford admires a new book on normative language.
Conference Briefing: Wittgenstein and Forms of Life
TPM investigates Wittgenstein and his forms of life.
The Wittgenstein Archive
An overview of the Wittgenstein Archive which is dedicated to the study and publication of all aspects of Wittgenstein’s work