A review by John Schwenkler.
philosophy of action
G.E.M. Anscombe: a snapshot
Duncan J. Richter on a philosopher who refused to put up with nonsense.
Issue 66: introduction from the editor
Acting in uncertainty
Not Knowing Everything That Matters
Jonathan Dancy and Daniel Muñoz take a close look at Parfit’s account of how we can get things wrong.
Uncertainty – The Philosophical Problem of Our Time
The world needs precautious thinking, argues Rupert Read.
Uncertainty, Risk and Moral Emotions
Sabine Roeser argues for a new approach to public debate.
Uncertainty in Everyday Life
Linda Radzik asks, what should a bystander do?
Issue 66 Forum: introduction
Acting in uncertainty
The Silver Rule of Acting Under Uncertainty
Constantine Sandis and Nassim N Taleb on how to think about risk, harm and having skin in the game.