Friedel Weinert asks Susan Greenfield what neuroscience might tell us about the mind body problem.
Neuroethics Fifteen Years On
Adina L. Roskies explains how new discoveries are changing the philosophical landscape.
Not Just Philosophy of Neuroscience but Philosophy and Neuroscience
Barry C. Smith argues for a collaborative approach
Issue 83 Forum: introduction
Transcendence and Neuroscience
Sarah Lane Ritchie asks, does a scientific explanation for the felt experience of spiritual realities explain them away?
The Last Mystery Standing
Friedel Weinert on what neuroscience might tell us about the mind body problem.
Rediscovering the Past
New philosophy?
Philosophy on the Brain
Anne Jaap Jacobson on a wonderful new guide to recent work in neuroscience
Demystifying Consciousness: an interview with Ned Block
Ned Block is one of the foremost philosophers of mind. In this interview with Neil Manson, Block explains some of the intriguing, sometimes difficult, ideas which characterise his original approach to the subject. His views represent a challenge to those familiar, and unfamiliar, with philosophical problems of consciousness.