A review by Brad Thompson.
issue 93
Harms, Wrongs, and Meaning in a Pandemic
F M Kamm on comparing deaths.
There Is Nothing More Philosophical Than Diversity
Simon Fokt describes the thinking behind the Diversity Reading List
Issue 93 Forum: introduction
Diversify the discipline
Issue 93 Reviews: introduction
The titles covered by our reviewers in this issue invite questions. Philosophy for Girls (Melissa Shew and Kimberly Garchar). Is that different from philosophy for boys? Is it the philosophy of fashion and cooking? No, you’ll be pleased to learn, it’s just philosophy, but with a focus on what all philosophy should be like, according […]
Nietzsche on the Good of the Guise
Constantine Sandis on a largely unnoticed twist.
West of Everything
Jean Kazez finds virtue in Westerns.
Women in Philosophy: What’s Changed?
Helen Beebee looks back on the last ten years.
J. W. Dunne: a snapshot
Lawrence Harvey takes a moment to consider a remarkable conception of time.
What Practices Make for an Inclusive Philosophy Classroom?
Rochelle DuFord considers the options.
Brain in a VAT Podcast: Q&A
An interview with podcast hosts Mark Oppenheimer and Jason Werbeloff.
Issue 93 Thoughts: introduction
Issue 93