Plato envisioned a realm of reality in which there are no mixtures. The Form of Redness is sheer redness and not at all round, and the Form of Roundness is sheer roundness, and not at all red. But in the real world things keep mixing it up. There are things that are red and round. […]
issue 82
Ending Gender
Harriet Baber argues that the ideology of transgenderism is fundamentally conservative.
The History of Philosophy Podcast
Q&A with Peter Adamson.
Reimagining Symposium
By Carla Nappi and Carrie Jenkins.
Alternative Theisms
Elisa Freschi on what we can learn about god by taking up different perspectives.
Under the Influence
Tim Connolly tries to resist the pull of ritual.
Robot Ethics 2.0: From Autonomous Cars to Artificial Intelligence: a review
Ken Daley and Robert J. Howell review Robot Ethics 2.0: From Autonomous Cars to Artificial Intelligence, edited by Patrick Lin, Keith Abney, and Ryan Jenkins
Philosophy, in a Sense: Not a Sausage
Constantine Sandis examines anti-vegan rhetoric.
Women Galore
Jean Kazez on thrilling transgressions.