Helen Frowe on the ethics of defensive killing.
issue 70
The View from Everywhere
Taleli Kukkonen admires an itinerant teacher of the classics.
Gut Choice in A Chance Moment
Margaret Betz is not bananas about the latest from Woody Allen.
The Five Parameters: healthcare
Phil Hutchinson and Rupert Read consider the nation’s health.
Issue 70: What the Critics Said
A M Ferner has enough to worry about.
Love as Religion
Simon May argues that love has taken on the role of a new god in Western thought.
Unrequited Love
Jeremy Stangroom asks, is it really better to have loved and lost?
Crazy About You
Berit Brogaard asks, does the idea of irrational love make sense?
Our Children, Our Selves
Jean Kazez takes up the connection between parental love and self-love.
What is This Thing Called Perception?
Kirk Ludwig explores John Searle’s latest book.
Pierre-Joseph Proudhon: a snapshot
Jamie Ranger on the father of anarchism.
Same-Sex Marriage and Liberty
Douglas Walton and Fabrizio Macagno argue that what marriage means depends on who has the power to define it.