Philosophy is a lot of things, but it’s also mostly talking. Think of the paradigm case: Socrates and the corrupted youth, all in togas, dust hanging in the air, the sun in their eyes. They’re not meditating. There are no test tubes. They might be drinking tea, gesturing, shaking their heads, furrowing their brows, but […]
diversity in philosophy
Diversify Thought: Teach Intersectionality
Zahra Thani argues that every philosophy class should combat exclusionary practices.
There Is Nothing More Philosophical Than Diversity
Simon Fokt describes the thinking behind the Diversity Reading List
Issue 93 Forum: introduction
Diversify the discipline
Women in Philosophy: What’s Changed?
Helen Beebee looks back on the last ten years.
What Practices Make for an Inclusive Philosophy Classroom?
Rochelle DuFord considers the options.
Diverse Philosophies: (What) Are They? (What) Do We Want Them to Be?
Shen-yi Liao ponders the answers, and the questions.