Ian James Kidd unpacks a complex pair of prejudices.
Issue 86: introduction from the editor
In 1882, Nietzsche wrote, “God is dead”, adding, in case you had hopes for another timely resurrection, “God remains dead.” You can quibble about what he meant, but at the very least the idea is that the Enlightenment put a dent in ordinary religious belief. The rise of reason, tolerance, and free-thinking at the expense […]
Was Hume a Secret Buddhist?
Rachel Paine argues that there are insights to be had in thinking about the possibility.
Sustaining Our Planet and Ourselves
John L. Culliney and David Jones seek a new focus on ancient models of universal cooperation.
Understanding Eastern Philosophy: a review
Robert Ellis finds Ray Billington’s book suffers the same deficiencies that plague other introductions to “Eastern” philosophy.