Naoyuki Shiono discusses The Cambridge Companion to Wittgenstein.
Cambridge Companion to Kierkegaard: a review
Zhou Li-Yang reviews the Cambridge Companion to Kierkegaard.
The Rediscovery of Aesthetics: a review
Michael Proudfoot welcomes the renewed interest in Aesthetics and assesses tow new introductions to the subject.
The Large, the Small and the Human Mind: a review
Bo Klintberg reads about quantum physics, mathematics, cosmology, and the human mind – and enjoys it.
Understanding Eastern Philosophy: a review
Robert Ellis finds Ray Billington’s book suffers the same deficiencies that plague other introductions to “Eastern” philosophy.
Mill – On Utilitarianism: a review
Mike Targett discovers a book on Mill which strikes “a good balance in being accessible and informative whilst offering some substantial philosophical views”.
Vita Brevis: a review
Zhou Li-Yang finds Jostein Gaarder’s latest is not up to the standard of his previous.
Making Choices: a review
Frederic Schick’plays games.
Reading Parfit: a review
Twelve years after its first publication, a major anthology was published on Derek Parfit’s “Reasons and Persons”. Julian Baggini asks if it was worth the wait.
Foucault for Beginners: a review
Margaret Goord is impressed by a book on Foucault.