Constantine Sandis wonders whether Jesus was a moral particularist.
The Skeptic: Issue 88
Wendy M. Grossman on climate change denial and rationality.
Talk to the Hand
Jean Kazez on a puzzling film.
Issue 88: introduction from the editor
Philosophy has a long and confusing relationship with fiction, music and comedy, and the contributors to this issue’s central essays have unwittingly landed us right in the middle of it. Helen De Cruz takes up philosophy and fiction, arguing that the philosophical blockbuster enables the general public to engage in philosophical thinking very nearly daily. […]
Living the Life of the Mind
Charlotte Knowles offers an analysis of the hangover.
Issue 87: introduction from the editor
“The welfare of the people in particular has always been the alibi of tyrants, and it provides the further advantage of giving the servants of tyranny a good conscience. It would be easy, however, to destroy that good conscience by shouting to them: if you want the happiness of the people, let them speak out […]
Weighty Matters
Jean Kazez considers losing weight.
The Skeptic: issue 87
Publicly endorsing science is part of skepticism, but it isn’t always easy because so many people don’t differentiate between accepting science as the best method we have for building knowledge and treating scientists as if they were gods. Individual scientists are, unfortunately, as prone to mistakes and fraud as any other group of human beings. […]
Issue 86: introduction from the editor
In 1882, Nietzsche wrote, “God is dead”, adding, in case you had hopes for another timely resurrection, “God remains dead.” You can quibble about what he meant, but at the very least the idea is that the Enlightenment put a dent in ordinary religious belief. The rise of reason, tolerance, and free-thinking at the expense […]
The Skeptic: issue 86
Wendy M. Grossman on open access.
Tomorrow Never Knows
Yeah, Yeah, Yeah, says Jean Kazez.
Living the Life of the Mind
I have been writing the philosophy news for this magazine for three years now. It may not have been totally obvious in my first article in the summer of 2016 that I did not have a straight up interest in simply reporting the news, despite my brief commentary on the idea of The Daily Mail […]