Tony Chemero takes the ick out of the extended mind hypothesis.
The Organism – Reality or Fiction?
Charles T Wolfe scouts the answers.
Galatea of the Microbes
Thomas Pradeu argues that facts about symbiotic microbes have radical implications for the nature of our identity.
Identities of the Gene
Paul E Griffiths argues that biologists have two ways of thinking about genes.
The Evolution of Cooperation
Ellen Clarke finds inspiration in someone else’s flat.
The Human Animal
A M Ferner asks, what does it mean to have a life?
A Process Ontology for Biology
John Dupré on the view of living things as deeply intertwined processes.
Should You Look Before You Leap?
Andrew Sepielli scouts uncertainty about moral rules.
Not Knowing Everything That Matters
Jonathan Dancy and Daniel Muñoz take a close look at Parfit’s account of how we can get things wrong.
Uncertainty – The Philosophical Problem of Our Time
The world needs precautious thinking, argues Rupert Read.
Uncertainty, Risk and Moral Emotions
Sabine Roeser argues for a new approach to public debate.
Uncertainty in Everyday Life
Linda Radzik asks, what should a bystander do?