David Bain considers a case that casts doubt on the old armchair intuition that pain is essentially unpleasant.
Why Lament a Bad Death?
Travis Timmerman on how we should feel about the final curtain.
Why the Free Will Debate Never Ends
Julian Baggini looks past the traditional answers.
What Can Philosophy Really Do?
Amie Thomasson takes up Hawking’s challenge.
Do Animals Have Free Will?
The answer sheds new light on an old problem, argues Helen Steward.
The Fine Tuning Argument Unmasked
Benjamin Jantzen uncovers a premise any self-respecting empiricist should find suspect.
Assisted Dying
Marianne Talbot considers reasons to change the law.
Do Animals Have Free Will?
The answer sheds new light on an old problem, argues Helen Steward.
It’s Not Just the Economy, Dunderheid
Alan Weir makes a case for Scottish independence.
Why Properties Matter
Douglas Edwards explains what makes you the object you are.
Perennial Philosophical Problems
John Kekes argues that our current response to them is misguided.
Foul Play
David Papineau on a sporting analogy with implications for political theory.