Danielle (“Professor Oppressor”) Poe on the art of hits and peace practice.
Wittgenstein and Deep Disagreement
Chris Ranalli asks, if we can’t resolve disputes rationally, might we be tempted into morally questionable kinds of persuasion?
Global Thinking
Karyn Lai on new waves in Anglo-Chinese philosophy.
Life Doesn’t Begin at Conception
Jean Kazez on when we really arrive on the scene.
The Best of Times
L. Nathan Oaklander explains how we might understand the passage of time.
A New Mind-Body Solution From Antiquity?
Anna Marmodoro finds inspiration in the work of Plotinus.
When Do Groups Know?
Jennifer Lackey argues for the middle ground.
Are Scientific Theories True?
Paul Dicken wonders what philosophy can tell us about science.
Why Would an Atheist Write a Commentary on the Bible?
To better understand philosophy, argues Matthew H Kramer.
Strangers on a Train
Timothy Williamson on philosophical dialogues.
The Problem of Transformative Experience
Rich Cordero asks, how should we choose, when we can’t really imagine what it would be like for us to make a choice?
Should You Stand Your Ground?
Helen Frowe on the ethics of defensive killing.