Andrew Atkinson responds to Helen de Cruz.
Righteous Blasphemy
An open debate.
Degradation: the Challenge to Prisons
Jim McManus, recently released from prison, takes up some of the questions raised by Jon Vorhaus’ article in issue eight.
From Dignity to Degradation
John Vorhaus argues that degradation has been unjustly neglected as a subject for philosophical enquiry.
Open Debate: Ethics and the Vegan Way of Life
Les Burwood and Ros Wyeth argue that there are good arguments for adopting the unfashionable view that it is immoral to use animals as a resource.
Open Debate: The Moral Imperative to Rebel Against God – Replies and Responses
In the last issue of The Philosophers’ Magazine we published an article by Peter Fosl called “The Moral Imperative to Rebel Against God”, and invited you to submit your responses. We selected five of the best, for which Dr Fosl has written his replies.
The Moral Imperative to Rebel Against God
How can we reconcile a belief in a good God with the abundant suffering and evil that confronts us? Peter Fosl tries to answer the question by developing an argument from Dostoevsky’s The Brothers Karamazov.
Open Debate: On What Sexism Is and What It Is Not
Can philosophers help clarify social and political debate by applying their analytic methods to areas of dispute? Dr Les Burwood certainly thinks they can and has written this essay, On What Sexism Is and What It Is Not as an attempt to distinguish the different uses of the term “sexism” and their legitimacy. For this Open Debate we invited objections to Dr Burwood’s thought-provoking and controversial arguments, selected the best and passed them on to Dr Burwood, who offered his responses. The result is a lively, at times heated exchange of views.