Howard Marks tells Julian Baggini about prison, pot and Hempel’s Paradox.
What Can the Stoics Do For Us?
Antonia Macaro investigates the alleged usefulness of stoic philosophy for life today.
Birds, Beasts and the Dao
David E Cooper on what Daoism tells us about our relationship to animals.
The Logic of Murder
Julian Baggini meets the novelist with maths on his mind.
Down to Earth
Tristan Moyle digs David Cooper.
Simone Weil
An introduction to the thought of Simone Weil.
Righteous Blasphemy
An open debate.
Flew in Volta-Face Farce
Antony Flew in theism debacle.
Jeremy Bentham: a snapshot
Bart Schultz on Jeremy Bentham, “one of the strangest men who ever lived”.
Do Philosophers Love Wisdom?
Nicholas Maxwell on the need for a new intellectual revolution.
Emmanuel Levinas: a snapshot
An introduction to the work of Emmanuel Levinas.
David Lewis: a snapshot
The key work of metaphysician David Lewis.