If we’re to understand reality, we must understand the questions that we’re asking, argues Thomas Quinn.
Uncertainty in Everyday Life
Linda Radzik asks, what should a bystander do?
Editor’s Pick
Jeffrey A Barrett on a new movement in the philosophy of science.
Philosophy on the Brain
Anne Jaap Jacobson on a wonderful new guide to recent work in neuroscience
Issue 66 Forum: introduction
Acting in uncertainty
The Human Project
Luciano Floridi on what technological unemployment might mean.
The Silver Rule of Acting Under Uncertainty
Constantine Sandis and Nassim N Taleb on how to think about risk, harm and having skin in the game.
Bread or Stone?
Thomas D Senor examines an attempt to save religion from the march of science.
The Pleasures of the Table
Tim Crane and Barry Smith talk philosophy and food with Julian Baggini.
Aspects of the Self in the Analects
Nicholas Bunnin on Confucian insights into how people live as individual and social selves.
Journal of Applied Philosophy
Christopher D Bennett on a forum that brings philosophical understanding to bear on questions of practical concern.
Knowing What’s Good For You
Peter Adamson considers ancient views of the good life.