Gary Flood investigates a new philosophical phenomenon in schools.
Susanne K Langer: a snapshot
Robert E Innis on a philosopher whose marginalisation is our loss.
No Regrets
Margaret Betz reviews the world’s first abortion comedy.
Foul Play
David Papineau on a sporting analogy with implications for political theory.
Who Owns You?
Anita Superson is sceptical that feminism can dispense with bodily self-ownership.
Giving Your Life Meaning
Steven Luper scouts the connections between purpose, meaning and morality.
Evil Achievers
Jean Kazez on why we enjoy it when good things happen to bad people.
Rebecca Goldstein
Interview by Ophelia Benson.
Issue 66: introduction from the editor
Acting in uncertainty
First Person Singularity
Amy Kind hopes for something more than a “moronic stew”.
We’re Not “Just Animals”
We’re uniquely unique, says Scott Samuelson.
The Skeptic: Big Data
Wendy M Grossman asks, who cares about causality when you’ve got correlation?