Monica Cowart explores a possible collaboration between philosophy and therapeutic practices which might help alleviate suffering.
Philosophers Who Found Success Outside the Academy
Helen de Cruz talks to PhDs who most definitely are not “slumming it”.
The World at the End of the Cane
Tony Chemero takes the ick out of the extended mind hypothesis.
The Importance of Being Ironic
Emrys Westacott wonders what irony adds to life.
Thinking Anew
Luce Irigaray and Michael Marder on the possibility of a human re-birth.
Assisted Dying
Marianne Talbot considers reasons to change the law.
The Fine Tuning Argument Unmasked
Benjamin Jantzen uncovers a premise any self-respecting empiricist should find suspect.
Spiritual Experiences
Scott F Parker meditates on the latest from Sam Harris
The Organism – Reality or Fiction?
Charles T Wolfe scouts the answers.
Galatea of the Microbes
Thomas Pradeu argues that facts about symbiotic microbes have radical implications for the nature of our identity.
What the Critics Said
A M Ferner has just picked up a fault in the EA-35 unit.
The Latent Nature of Global Information Warfare
Luciano Floridi on new threats, neither real nor virtual.