A M Ferner is lost in translation.
Why Lament a Bad Death?
Travis Timmerman on how we should feel about the final curtain.
Philosophical Emergencies
David W Concepción considers the transformative power of learning philosophy.
Issue 69 Forum: introduction
Teaching philosophy
Why the Free Will Debate Never Ends
Julian Baggini looks past the traditional answers.
Conscience Versus Equality
Annabelle Lever asks, what should we do when values conflict?
Charlie Hebdo
Alan Haworth on the limits to free speech.
Trust Issues
Rodger Jackson on the essence of the student/teacher dynamic.
Philosophy as an Antidote to Injustice
A philosophical education has to go beyond critical thinking, says Jennifer M Morton.
All the World’s a Stage
Aili Bresnahan explores a wide-ranging book about performance.
Robots in Disguise
Jean Kazez on what makes an ideal philosophy movie.
How to Philosophise with Children
Peter Worley argues that philosophy in the classroom depends on a skilled facilitator.