Alan Haworth looks for a paradigm shift in politics.
Reconsidering Idealisation
The requirements of rationality.
Personal Identity: Towards Simplicity?
Who are we?
Theistic Naturalism
Fiona Ellis on Naturalism and God.
When Do Groups Know?
Jennifer Lackey argues for the middle ground.
Maximum Impact
Patricia Illingworth hears a plea for effective altruism.
Is Philosophy Useless?
Robert Lockie fires a few rounds at the Philistines.
The Meaning of Marriage
John Corvino argues that the debate is settled, and settled rightly.
The Skeptic: Getting Clear on Going Clear
Wendy M Grossman argues that religions shouldn’t be tax exempt.
The Dance of Identity
Andrea C Westlund on a narrative account of personhood.
Are Scientific Theories True?
Paul Dicken wonders what philosophy can tell us about science.
Snapshot: Stanley Fish
Michael Robertson on a thinker whose views were deemed outrageous and ludicrous by his detractors