A review by Georgia Warnke.
The Last Mystery Standing
Friedel Weinert asks Susan Greenfield what neuroscience might tell us about the mind body problem.
Winter 2019 News
Charlotte Knowles reports on the latest in “Grievance Studies”.
The Relevance of Existentialism
Rebecca Bamford takes on the sceptic.
Trials and Errors
Wendy M. Grossman considers the problem of “outcome switching”.
Carlos Alberto Sánchez scouts the habitat of Emilio Uranga’s thinking.
Free Solo
Jean Kazez on a film that might make you climb the walls.
Issue 84 Thoughts: introduction
Would you take a pill that gives you a cognitive edge over others? It turns out you can, and many people do, take such things as Ritalin and Adderall to do better on college exams. It’s easy to imagine moral arguments against this kind of thing — it’s unfair or causes unnecessary harm — but […]
Issue 84: introduction from the editor
If someone new to philosophy asked you for a recommended reading, what would you suggest? I’ve asked a fair number of philosophers this over the years and found that there’s more agreement in answers to this question than at least many philosophical questions. Ask about the nature of mind and the replies are all over […]
Philosophy, In a Sense: We Philosophers
Constantine Sandis on us, them, Nietzsche and Wittgenstein.
Issue 84 Reviews: introduction
Death. In one way or another, much of philosophy is about it, and so are several of the books and movies reviewed in this issue of The Philosophers’ Magazine. Should children be able to make medical decisions that will likely end their lives? Margaret Betz reviews The Children Act, a movie that explores the question. […]
Issue 84 Forum: introduction